Simple Finish - Phishing Kit Type

#SimpleFinish #PhishingKitType #phishing #phishingkit

The Simple Finish kit is basic on all levels.  It only contains 3 "code" files
\index.html      <== the simple phish page that accepts gmail, aol, yahoo, creds, etc.
\finish.php      <== the simple mailer file that emails out the stolen creds
\gen_validatorv4.js  <== JavaScript Form Validator Version 4.0, Copyright (C) 2003-2011
       [comes from hxxp://www.javascript-coder[.]com]

It also has a folder with images
\ssl\ <== filled with images One image is mis-spelled (singin e.g. singing) instead of (signin e.g. sign-in) \ssl\singin.png

CSS (cascading stylesheets) are simple and all embedded directly into the index.html

finish.php is also very simple and could indicate completely custom done or ripped off from another kit
$message .= "************* Fuck All Y'all *************\n";
$message .= "***************SIR KAA$H***************\n";
$message .= "* Success is Loading... because I want it! *\n";

example 1: 
md5 0def009024d5f1a61ff74462d060eff5


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